May 2, 2008

menanti tak pasti.

haha. tah ape2 tah tajok die. ermm. eksyeli aku dlm kebingungan yg teramat. nk pilih die or die. mne satu aku tak tau. ak sayang kat die tp die cm x sayang aku tapi die lg sorg nih sayang kat aku tapi aku plak cm x sayang dy. hmmm. apa nk wat ni ha?? i dont know laa what to do. help me sumone!! huhu. lgpon i am suppose to think bout my future la kn. i mean about my study and spm and all that stuff. huh. so confusing la this life. to those who think they are related to my confusion, please help me decide the right choice. i hope i have the courage to ask mia if she would accept me again in her life. mia, i still love you. but, aku x mo disturb die skrg coz aku tau die nk blaja. hmmmm. tu je la kot. asamekom. tenkiu.

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