tiada apa yang perlu kamu cemburu kerna sesungguhnya aku dan emy emyra tiada apa2 hubungan melainkan kwn semata2. kan emy kan. wawa. lgpon aku dga dari mia yang emy sdg menolong aku mendapatkan semule mia. haha. tenkiu emy. em. em. dis holiday is so f*ckin bored. nothing to do. perhaps dont know what to do. tenkiu.
May 31, 2008
May 28, 2008
kepade emy emyra.
oit. pehal lak funny plak. hampeh tol laa. haha. jelez kew?? wawawa. em. i have an announcement to make. emy,i still love you. would you accept me again in ur life?? wawawawa. em. tonite ade game england. besh tuh. hoho. hope england win tunite. eksyeli ltey neh. men ftsal td 2 jam. da la bdak x rmai sgt. ckop utk buat 2 team jek. 2 yg pnat tuh. kne men full. huhuh. ape lg ek yg bley ak bebelkan?? em. em. em. nampaknye tiade ape laa. haha. buhbye. tenkiu.
May 27, 2008
target for holidays.
hola. its holiday!! yeah!! tomorrow, men futsal!! yey2. nk lpas tensen. heheh. but, i still have a target that i created for myself. that is, if i could, i want to study for spm!! hahah. do you think i can do it?? hmm. lets wait and see. hohoh. em. what else huh? em. haa. xde pape laa. hahaha. daa. tenkiu.
May 16, 2008
halluuu. lame da x memblog. hoho. bz doe ngun exam. hope result aku best-best. huhuhu. em. haa. man utd da menang premier league . hahaha. bgge gler ah. next,champions league plak. hehe. em. love?? nothin to say. no comment la sng. hahaha. keh a. x sabo nk cuti nih. nk enjoy!! daaa. asamekom. tenkiu.
May 3, 2008
tired in hepi.
juz come back home from the hotel. so tired. but happy though. first because the wedding is so worth it to go. it was so romantic,perfect and absolutely fantastic. there was a caklempong performances, silat and even singing. second, im happy bcoz man utd beat west ham 4-1!! ronaldo score twice!! hahaha. long live man utd!! emm. below are some pictures taken during the wedding. enjoy it!! tenkiu.
taip laju-laju.
mse tgh boring2 td, aku terjumpe bende yg agak menarik nih. best. bek korang cube. cube beat aku. heheh.
40 words
40 words
hepi cket laa.
heheh. td aku tye mia wei. brani gak aku tye an. jwpn die secret laa. sorry.but at least im not in confusion anymore. huhuhu. hepi2. =) tonite x dpt tgok game man utd coz kne attend wedding ceremony kt royal adelphi. sdey siot. tp kwn punye pasal aku pegi la jugak kn. lgpon bukan slalu dpt tgok wedding kat hotel. k arh. asamekom. tenkiu.
May 2, 2008
menanti tak pasti.
haha. tah ape2 tah tajok die. ermm. eksyeli aku dlm kebingungan yg teramat. nk pilih die or die. mne satu aku tak tau. ak sayang kat die tp die cm x sayang aku tapi die lg sorg nih sayang kat aku tapi aku plak cm x sayang dy. hmmm. apa nk wat ni ha?? i dont know laa what to do. help me sumone!! huhu. lgpon i am suppose to think bout my future la kn. i mean about my study and spm and all that stuff. huh. so confusing la this life. to those who think they are related to my confusion, please help me decide the right choice. i hope i have the courage to ask mia if she would accept me again in her life. mia, i still love you. but, aku x mo disturb die skrg coz aku tau die nk blaja. hmmmm. tu je la kot. asamekom. tenkiu.
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